How to add a new language?

Name:  The name is public. IOS:  Enter the adequate 2-letter ISO 639-1 code.  See for more information. Language code:  Enter the adequate 4-letter language code, in the form xx-yy, xx being the language ISO code (same as above), and yy the country ISO code, using ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 ( See for more information. […]

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How to use the theme package?

 Install by using PrestaShop’s theme installer – Import from your computer: use the file explorer to find the archive. – Import from the web: indicate the direct public URL to the archive. – Import from FTP: use your FTP client, upload the archive to the following folder: /modules/themeinstallator/import/ Install by using a FTP client – Unzip […]

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How to install Prestashop?

1. Download and unzip the latest PrestaShop archive. 2. Upload Prestashop to your server. 3. Create database for your shop. 4.  Launch the auto-installer: –  You can also directly type the address of the /install folder: – If you are making an installation on your own compute, your address will be: 5. Complete the installation: The […]

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