How to select theme for your site?

FASHION To make the theme look like this style: Active EM0131 Magely Fashion. Go to Active & Deactive Theme to view demo of how to active & deactive. Edit Homepage to EM0131 Everything – Homepage – Two Columns Left Go to Edit CMS Home Page to view demo of how to set homepage. CLOTHING To […]

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Tips for speeding up Magento site

Enable all Magento caching layers Configure your web server to enable Connection Keep-Alive, enable mod_expire, gzip compression. Enable MySQL Query caching. Install APC or XCache to cache PHP opcode. Install Memcache and configure Magento to store session and cache to memory. Install third-party Full Page Cache Magento extension. Install Varnish cache server for full page […]

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How to merge Javascript and CSS?

We would not recommend merging Javascript and CSS files. See why here: If you wish to merge your all css (or javascript) files in Magento you can do that in your Magento Admin Panel: Log in your Magento admin panel then go to System > Configuration. From the Current Configuration Scope: Select your Store […]

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How to customize video responsive?

Go to to get more information. More and more people are accessing the internet with mobile devices, it’s so important that you give them best mobile experience when they visit your website. Today, I have a quick and easy tutorial of how to make YouTube, Vimeo, embed, and HTML5 videos responsive with CSS. Resize […]

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How to customize slider?

Carousel Slider Framework Owl Carousel: Setup Html: to use slider in your element, you don’t need any special markup. All you need is to wrap your divs (owl works with any type element) inside the container element

. Class “em-slider” is mandatory to apply proper styles.
Your Content
Your Content

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How to customize CSS & HTML for theme?

1. BOOTSTRAP CSS – EM BaseTheme is based on Bootstrap front-end framework with custom grid system 24 columns. For more information Basic usage: Containers: Bootstrap requires a containing element to wrap site contents and house our grid system. You may choose one of two containers to use in your projects. Note that, due to […]

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What is EM Multi-deal?

EM MultiDeal Pro allows showing products on Sales with count-down clock. the extension helps customer to rapidly capture the promotional time of your sales products. This extension also optimizes your management of sales while it is still easy to use. EM MultiDeal Pro can be easily fixed css to fit your theme. It is also […]

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How to deal with EM Mega Menu Pro?

EM Mega Menu is a Magento extension developed by our web developer team. With the functions of the extension, you will be impressed with the best navigation tool ever. It maximizes ability to custom content with the possibility to integrate video, link, image or banner in the main menu. Also, multicolumn structure has shown all […]

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How to install EM Product Labels?

1. USAGE 1.1. ADD A NEW LABEL – Go to the label manager interface, click on menu EMThemes > Product Labels > Manage Product Labels – Click on button Add new label: Label Name: Name of label Image: upload the icon image for this label. Background: upload background image for this label. If you don’t […]

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