How to change pagination and sort config?

To change pagination and sort config: Go to backoffices : Preferences > Products: Products per page: the number of products displayed in Category page, new product page, best seller page,… Default order by: choose default attributes to order. Default order method: choose default Ascending or Descending.

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How to add a module to a hook?

To add a module to a hook, go to Modules (Modules and Services) > Positions: On right top of screen, click on Transplant a module Your module needs to be registered with this hook you want to transplant. Module: choose a module you’ll add to a hook Transplant to: choose hook. Exceptions: enter name page or choose page, it […]

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How to change positions of modules in a hook?

To change positions of modules in a hook, you follow: Go to backoffices and access: Modules (Modules and Services) > Positions. Hold Ctrl + F: Find to a hook you need to change position. Example: displayDisplayLeft   Then Drap and Drop that module to change its position.  

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How to fix error: module csslider don’t get link when changing languages?

Go to file: modules > csslider > csslider.php, find function getUrl($id_csslider = null) change query: ‘SELECT sl.url FROM `’._DB_PREFIX_.’csslider_lang` sl LEFT JOIN `’._DB_PREFIX_.’csslider` s ON (sl.id_csslider = s.id_csslider) WHERE (sl.id_shop = ‘.(int)$id_shop.’) AND sl.id_csslider = ‘.(int)$id_csslider.” TO ‘SELECT sl.url , sl.id_lang FROM `’._DB_PREFIX_.’csslider_lang` sl LEFT JOIN `’._DB_PREFIX_.’csslider` s ON (sl.id_csslider = s.id_csslider) WHERE (sl.id_shop = […]

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How can I display errors when I have a blank page?

Use your FTP client, go to your web server’s FTP, and open the file, which is in the /config folder. There’s a bunch of texts, then you will see as follows: /* Debug only */ define(‘_PS_MODE_DEV_’, false); if(_PS_MODE_DEV_) Change that second line: replace “false” with “true” (without quotes). It will appear: /* Debug only […]

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How to translate modules?

In the translation panel, you will see number of missing expressions that you need to translate. Find the expressions to translate, after translation is done, please save it.

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How to translate a theme ?

A theme has front-office and back-office, we will translate one by one. Let’s get started with translation for theme front-office.  Translate front-office In the MODIFY TRANSLATIONS panel, select type of translation: Front Offices translation then select theme and language you want to translate and press the Modify button to go ahead. In the translation panel, you will see […]

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