How to active and deactive theme?

If this is the first time you use our theme, you please click on Install theme button to install our theme into your Magento. If you have more than one store view in your Magento, please select store view at ‘Current Scope To Activate’ before clicking on ‘Active’ link. Clicking on ‘Active’ link of them […]

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How to install full package theme?

If you’ve just started building your Magento site from the scratch, we’d recommend following this guide to install the entire site comes with sample data. This procedure doesn’t change core files of Magento. Step 1: Download full package theme (zip file) and upload it to your website folder. Step 2: Extract zip file in your […]

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How to install theme after magento is prepared?

If you already had a Magento store and want to apply the theme, follow the instruction below. To install the theme you only need to upload all the theme files on your server and then enable the theme in the admin panel. But to avoid unexpected problems after installation, your Magento should be prepared first. […]

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How to install Magento?

Before installing the theme, you should have installed Magento Community Edition open source e-commerce web application. If Magento theme is already installed, please skip this section and move on section 2 2. Installing Our Theme on live Magento Install Magento theme as these following steps: Step 1: Check if your server is compatible with Magento. […]

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What are prepared before theme installation?

1. DISABLE MAGENTO CACHE When developing Magento store, you should completely disable all Magento caches to see the changes immediately. After finishing configuration the store, you can enable it. Go to System > Cache Management. Click Select All link, select Disable in Actions box and click submit button. After cache is disabled, cache management screen […]

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