How to hide all pricing?

At first, add this php code to the end of file functions.php /** * Hides all pricing */ function hide_all_wc_prices() { return ”; } add_filter ( ‘woocommerce_get_price_html’, ‘hide_all_wc_prices’); Then navigate to admin > appearance > details products > disable product price.

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The tabs of shortcode doesn’t work

This bug happens when you update your WordPress to version 4.0 or later version. To fix this bug, you can download the  latest version of theme from themeforest, find the plugin wd_shortcode  in theme_folder\theme\includes\plugins\ then update it. That’s how you can fix this bug.  

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Remove effect to rotate image

To remove effect to rotate image, add this css to end of style.css file: /* REMOVE EFFECT ROTATE IMAGE */ html #main-module-container ul li.product a .product-image-back {display:none !important;} html #main-module-container ul li.product a:hover .product-image-front {transform:none !important;-moz-transform:none !important;-webkit-transform:none !important;}

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