In the back office, navigate to “Preferences” > “CMS”, and select pages you want to edit.

You can click on row to edit text or  click the “Add new” button to create a CMS page.

  • CMS Category. The default category is the home-page of your shop. If you want to have this page in another category, you must first create it.
  • Meta title. The name of the page, as displayed in the browser.
  • Meta description. Used to describe the content of this page for search engines.
  • Meta Keywords. Used by search engines to understand what types of information the page is composed of.
  • Friendly URL. Makes it easier for search engines to index your content, and for visitors to understand what they will find in the category. This field is automatically filled as you enter the category name, but you can still edit it manually.
  • Page content. This is the main content of your page. In this WYSIWYG editor, you can put as much text as necessary, even images or videos using the “Insert Image” or “Insert Embedded Media”.
  • Indexation by search engine. Indicates whether search engines should register this page or not.
  • Displayed. You can choose to have you page public only once you are done proofreading it, and keep it as a draft for the moment. A draft is invisible to the public.