This module helps you create flexible blocks with store view, custom layout, filter products, …


– To manage EM Flexible Blocks, in admin panel, navigate to CMS > Manage Blocks


In EM Flexible Block screen, click on Add Block button.


First, you need to set assign to Store Views for this block on the top right screen Choose Store View option where this block available.

  • General tab:
    • In the General Information, do the following:
      • Title: Give the Name of the flexible block here. This will not show on the frontend.
      • Identifier (*required field): Give the id of this block. It must be unique.
      • Show in cms page: Determine CMS Page where this block can be shown.
      • Sort order: (Optional) Enter a number to determine the order, this items appears with others in the same part of the page. (0 = first, 1 = second, 2 = third, and so on.)
      • Additional Cache Tags: Cache tags are flags you can set for each cached content.
      • Is Active (required field): It defines visibility of this block in the frontend.
      • Package Theme (required field): Select the Design Package/Theme that will be used with this block.
    • In the Layout Update 1 section:
      • Layout Handle 1: Set the type of category or product page where you want the widget to appear
      • Position 1: Select the block or section of your page layout where you want the widget to appear
      • Layout Attribute 1: You can add a custom attribute to this block in this field. Example: after=”-“
    • In the Layout Update 2, Layout Update 3, Custom Layout Update section: they are the same utility like Layout Update 1.
  • Content tab: You can fill up the content of the block in this tab. You can use the Editor to format text, create links and tables, add images, video, and audio, widgets …
  • Categories tab: Select the category page where you want the block to be visible.
  • Schedule tab
    • Display Block section:: Set From Date and To Date to define the range of dates when the block will be shown. If you leave the dates blank, the block is shown as soon as the block is saved.
    • Schedule section:: You can create a cron job scheduler to show this block for a period of time.
    • Schedule Pattern:: Determine a schedule to show in the frontend for this block. You can set every day, on Sundays, etc.
    • Set From Time and To Time to define the range of time in a day when this block will be shown.
  • Filter Products tab: Filter product pages where you want the block to be visible.


– In general tab, if you choose position is custom, enter your custom position to show block. So, how to create a custom position? Suppose in default handle, create a position for flexible block with name is myposition at top of content:
