If you’ve just started building your Magento site from the scratch, we’d recommend following this guide to install the entire site comes with sample data.

This procedure doesn’t change core files of Magento.

Step 1: Download full package theme (zip file) and upload it to your website folder.

Step 2: Extract zip file in your web root folder, move all contents of theme folder to web root folder.

Step 3: Create a new and empty database, then finding sample-database.sql in theme package and import the sql file into your database which you have created.

Step 4: Access http://www.yourdomain.com/ and follow the instruction installation step by step of Magento to complete installation

Access this link: http://www.magentocommerce.com/wiki/1_-_installation_and_configuration/magento_installation_guide to get more information about Magento Installation

Step 5: After installation complete successfully, go to backend disable all Magento Cache at here and Reindex data at here