This widget allows you to display:

  • Bestseller Products
  • New Products
  • Sales Products
  • Special Attributes (Featured Product, Special Deal, Hot Product)
  • Normal Products (without conditional)

You can add this widget into:

  • Static block (CMS > Static Blocks). Please refer how to add a widget into static blocks in this section
  • Widget instance (CMS > Widgets). Please refer how to use widget instance in section
  • EM Flexible Blocks (EMThemes > EM Manage Blocks). Please refer how to add a widget into EM Flexible blocks in section 7.1.1.Creating a new block


  • Required Parameters:
    • Limit Count: Number of products to show
    • Show Frontend: Specify content will be show
    • Thumbnail Width: Thumbnail width of product image
    • Thumbnail Height: Thumbnail height of product image
  • Other Parameters:
    • Choose Category: Which categories of products you want to show, you can choose multiple categories by holding SHILF key and click on a category. Leave it empty to select all categories. If you don’t choose this option, it will show products of “all categories”
    • Type Filter: Choose type to filter products, there are 4 options to choose:
      • Special Attribute: If you choose this option, you need to choose next option Feature Attribute.
      • Bestseller Products: Show products which have the most orders quantity in your store.
      • New Products: Show new products.
      • Sales Products: Show products which have the special price.
      • Normal Products
    • Feature Attribute: Choose attribute that indicates products. This option only has effect when selecting “Special Attribute” as Type Filter. You can manage these attributes in Catalog > Attributes > Manage Attributes
    • Column Count: Number of product columns per row. It will create a UL list content this number of LI. If leaving it empty, only one UL is created to hold all LI of product items.
    • Order by: order of products displayed
    • Custom Wrapper Class: a class name of outer DIV wraps the widget contents. It’s useful to create your own CSS style for this widget instance.
    • Frontend Title: The title of this widget instance to show in the frontend.
    • Frontend Description: Description text displayed below title.
    • Item Custom Class: Custom class for item. Also, this class can be used to customize the items’ width. Ex: span1, span2…
    • Item Height: Height of each product item in pixel. Leave empty for automatically calculated.
    • Item Spacing: Space between two product items in pixel.
    • Alternate Image: Image displayed when hover to the thumbnail image.
    • Frontend Template: Choose template to display product items. It supports grid or listing.
    • Custom Template: Effect only when selecting “Display as custom template. By default, using ’em_featured_products/featured_custom.phtml'”.
    • Cache Lifetime (Seconds): Expiration time that module show be cached.
    • Enable Carousel Slider: Whether to enable slider for products list or not.
    • Slider Items: This variable allows you to set the maximum amount of items displayed at a time for the widest browser width.