How to work with EM Layered Navigation?

EM Advanced Layered navigation is more user-friendly, faster, and simpler than default Layered Navigation of Magento, it helps you create beautiful landing pages, show filters with images/logos, allow search by multiple filter options; moreover do other enhancements. It becomes easier for you to navigate your website, more visually attractive and memorable – and thus stimulate […]

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How to deal with EM Slideshow Compact?

Create a responsive (mobile friendly) or fullwidth slider with must-see-effects and meanwhile keep or build your SEO optimization (all content is always readable for search engines). See the heaps of custom transitions/animations for each object on the page! Customize this slider with our convenient drag & drop in the backend to your needs. This extensions […]

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What is EM Tabs Widgets?

This widget allows you to create tabs to contain other static blocks or other wiget instances in any position in your website. You can add 10 tabs in an EM Tabs widget. You can add this widget into: Static block (CMS > Static Blocks). Please refer how to add a widget into static blocks in […]

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What is EM Filter Products Widget?

This widget allows you to display: Bestseller Products New Products Sales Products Special Attributes (Featured Product, Special Deal, Hot Product) Normal Products (without conditional) You can add this widget into: Static block (CMS > Static Blocks). Please refer how to add a widget into static blocks in this section Widget instance (CMS > Widgets). Please […]

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How to install EM Flexible Blocks?

This module helps you create flexible blocks with store view, custom layout, filter products, … 1. USAGE – To manage EM Flexible Blocks, in admin panel, navigate to CMS > Manage Blocks CREATING A NEW BLOCK In EM Flexible Block screen, click on Add Block button.   First, you need to set assign to Store Views […]

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How to export theme?

Export Theme will help you export theme data to file (.xml), or backup data of theme The following example is a quite easy introduction to export theme. The purpose of this tutorial, is to clone EM BaseTheme, which is one of several our themes. Export Theme is simple as following these steps: Step 1: Go […]

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How to import theme?

Before importing data, you should export data, so you can see exactly how the custom options are represented in the resulting XML file. Our theme is now available to import data. (include: settings for variant and blocks sample data) If your exported file is too large, the import script may run into your host’s configured […]

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How to clone theme?

You have spent a volumn of considerable time, energy and money on developing your website to look and behave in a certain way. You decide to make one small change in your header. Unfortunately once you hit save, there is no “undo”. Cloning your theme acts as a type of version control; something to revert […]

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What ways can we customize theme?

No coding required, all can be edited directly in admin panel. Select colors for dozens of elements using color pickers, set hundreds of options, apply textures for header, footer and for the entire page, upload background image and configure its properties (position, repeating, attachment), change font and font-size, and many many more … This chapter […]

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How to activate and deactivate Magento theme?

If this is the first time you use our theme, you please click on Install theme button to install our theme into your Magento. If you have more than one store view in your Magento, please select store view at ‘Current Scope To Activate’ before clicking on ‘Active’ link. Clicking on ‘Active’ link of them […]

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