How to update Revolution Slider?

Send us your code of item purchased to [email protected] with your requirement, we will respond to you with the newest version of Revolution Slider plugin. After receiving you’ll: 1, Find the Revolution Slider section in your WordPress admin panel. 2, Scroll down to the bottom of the page, and find the Manual Plugin Update button. See a button […]

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How to reduce loading time on my site?

In this article, we will show you how to reduce loading time on your site? 1, WordPress Hosting A good web host is crucial for your website speed. As our site became more popular, we simply outgrew our previous hosting company 2, Caching Plugin Plugins like W3 Total Cache can be easily installed and will cache […]

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Mark a Product as Featured

To mark a product as featured, go to: Products > Products and select the Star in the featured column. You can alternatively select the Quick Edit option to select the Featured option.

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How to create the child theme

A child theme consists of at least one directory (the child theme directory) and two files (style.css and functions.php), which you will need to create: The child theme directory: style.css functions.php The first step to create a child theme is to create the child theme directory, which will be placed in wp-content/themes. It is recommended (though […]

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How to get your code of ThemeForest Item Purchased?

To find your licence key/purchase code, you need to log into your ThemeForest account and go to your “Downloads” page. Locate some of the themes  you purchased in your list of “Downloads” and click on Download, next on the “License Certificate & purchase code” link in drop-down menu. After you downloaded the certificate, you can […]

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Why I can’t add more menu items in WordPress?

Issue: How to Fix “Can’t Add More Menu in WordPress” ? Solution 1: – Login Panel or connect to FTP, and then go to wp-admin, create a new file and name it php.ini, then paste the code below to it, you can change the number , but at least 2000: max_input_vars = 6000 After that, save and […]

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How to downgrade Woo-commerce plugin?

You should backup your site before downgrading Woo-commerce plugin. Follow steps below to dowgrade Woo-commerce plugin: – Deactivate Woo-commerce plugin (don’t delete the Woo-Commerce plugin in the administration panel) – Download Woo-commerce version that you want to downgrade (download link) – Login to your hosting through FTP or Hosting Panel – Browse to wp-content/plugins – […]

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How to install Woo-commerce plugin?

Using WordPress Admin to install plugins is the most straightforward option because  it can transfer files without leaving the Web browser. To install WooCommerce: Log in to your WordPress Admin panel Go to: Plugins > Add New Type ‘WooCommerce’ in the Search Box and Enter. Once that file is found, you can view details such as the point […]

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