Upload your logo to skin folder of theme, in this theme, it locates at skin/frontend/em0132/default/images/.
By default Magento displays logo with the file named logo.gif
You will need to upload the image file using an FTP client to the to your own skin folder in your Magento CE installation.
Go to System > Configuration > Design.
The Current Configuration Scope drop-down list in the upper left corner of the page enables you to select the hierarch level (website, store, store view) to which the configuration will be applied. To apply configuration settings at the global level (that is, for all your websites, stores, and store views), leave Default Config selected.
Click the Header tab to expand the section as shown:
- In the Logo Image Src field, specify the logo graphic file to appear on the top left of each page of your web store. Make sure that the name of your logo is different from logo.gif, so it does not get overwritten in future upgrades.
- In the Logo Image Alt field, specify the alternative text to be displayed when your customers hover their mouse cursors over the logo image in your web store.
- In the Welcome Text field, specify the welcome message to be displayed on the top right of your web store for customers that are not logged in.
- Click SAVE CONFIG to save your changes.