If you want to create your site as same as demo, you have to install the full-package at first.

Email us your code of item purchased to with your requirement, we will send you back with the package. After receiving, extract the file, then upload to your server. In addition to extract the folder, you should find folder named sample-data.sql. Import it.

Then, open the file wp-config.php. Fill the correct database information.

Chmod the folder wp-content/uploads and all his files, folder to 755 (or 777)

Chmod the folder wp-content/themes/{theme_folder_name}/cache_theme and all his files, folder to 644 (or 777).

Open browser, type http://yoursiteurl.com/update-site.php

Enter your site url(http://yoursiteurl.com). After, go to backend, save again Setting->Permalinks and Appearance-> Theme Options


Default admin account is: admin/demo

If you have any problem, please don’t hesitate to tell us.